Weekly Post Update: July Week 3

Another day, another update. But this one features my interview with mental health author and award winner Marya Hornbacher (Friday’s post)! I also turned 27 on July 12th, so, hurray for being old!

Sunday, July 12th: Turning 27 – What My Age Has Taught Me
Monday, July 13th: Tired Tales From The Realm Of Amberland
Tuesday, July 14th: My Second Liebster Award – Thank You, Lauren!
Wednesday, July 15th: The Two-Year Switcheroo – Treating Endometriosis
Thursday, July 16th: The Difference Between Anxiety Attacks And Panic Attacks
Friday, July 17th: “Two Coffees, Please.” My Interview With Marya Hornbacher

Yeah, I didn’t post anything Saturday. So sue me.

depression anxiety depressive episodes anger

Depressive Episodes Or Anger Anxiety – Which Is It?

feelings depression anxiety borderline personality disorder

I’ve got so many FEELS.

I get these depressive episodes sometimes… like, I wouldn’t call them part of my depression. At least not entirely. They’re more like episodes where I want to fling the entire world into the depths of the universe like a javelin thrower knocking it out of the ballpark. Read entire post…

Attention, y’all: If you haven’t already, please subscribe by email to my website My Journey To Freedom From Anxiety on WordPress.org (hosted by Bluehost). I will soon be switching over to my new site completely (this one is self-hosted), so please follow me there!

Anxiety Attacks – They Come At The Most Inconvenient Times

Anxiety attacks happen quite frequently to me, though they have let up a bit as of late. I’m not sure if it was just the weather changing today or the fact that my normal routine was interrupted, but I feel like my lungs are being squeezed in between someone’s large, chubby fingers. I’m dizzy. I’m irritable, and I’m not sure whether it’s because of the anxiety attack or I got an anxiety attack because I got irritated. It’s what I hate about having Generalized Anxiety Disorder. You can’t pin anything down. Continue reading

This Article is Awesome!

Following my recent blog post, Tips for Relaxation: Coffee and Yoga , I stumbled upon an article on my Pinterest feed called 10 Drug-Free Ways To Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Super interesting. I would highly recommend reading it if you’re looking for more natural remedies for anxiety/panic attacks. It even has mentions of how to find the source of your anxiety, which the author says can be caused by something as simple as sensitivity to food. I took it all in with a grain of salt, but it’s a really interesting read, and I did find a couple new methods for stress relief I intend to try.

The author of the article is Meital James, and she runs the site Natural Alternative Therapies.